Moon Large satellite L001
Earthshine Twice reflected sunlight L002
Mare/highland dichotomy Two materials with distinct compositions L003
Apennines Imbrium basin rim L004
Copernicus Archetypal large complex crater L005
Tycho Large rayed crater with impact melts L006
Altai Scarp Nectaris basin rim L007
Theophilus,Catharina, Cyrillus L008
Clavius Lacks basin features in spite of its size L009
Mare Crisium Mare contained in large circular basin L010
Aristarchus Very bright crater with dark bands on its walls L011
Proclus Oblique-impact rays L012
Gassendi Floor-fractured crater L013
Sinus Iriuum Very large crater with missing rim L014
Straight Wall Best example of a lunar fault L015
Petavius Crater with domed and fractured floor L016
Schroters Valley Giant sinuous rille L017
Mare Serenitatis dark edges Distinct mare areas with different compositions L018
Alpine Valley Lunar graben L019
Posidonius Floor-fractured crater L020
Fracastorius Crater with subsided and fractured floor L021
Aristarchus Plateau Mysterious uplifted region mantled with pyroclastics L022
Pico Isolated Imbrium basin-ring fragment L023
Hyginus Rille Rille containing rimless collapse pits L024
Messier and Messier A Oblique ricochet-impact pair L025
Mare Frigoris Arcuate mare of uncertain origin L026
Archimedes Large crater lacking central peak L027
Hipparchus Subject of first drawing of a single crater L028
Aridaeus Rille Long, linear graben L029
Schiller Possible oblique impact L030
Taruntius Young floor-fractured crater L031
Arago Alpha and Beta Volcanic domes L032
Serpentine Ridge Basin inner-ring segment L033
Lacus Mortis Triesnecker Rilles Strange crater with rille and ridge L034
Triesnecker Rilles Rille family L035
Grimaldi basin A small two-ring basin L036
Bailly Barely discernible basin L037
Sabine and Ritter Possible twin impacts L038
Schickard Crater floor with Orientale basin ejecta stripe L039
Janssen Rille Rare example of a highland rille L040
Bessel ray Ray of uncertain origin near Bessel L041
Marius Hills Complex of volcanic domes and hills L042
Wargentin A crater filled to the rim with lava or ejecta L043
Mersenius Domed floor cut by secondary craters L044
Maurolycus Region of saturation cratering L045
Regiomontanus central peak Possible volcanic peak L046
Alphonsus dark spots Dark-halo eruptions on crater floor L047
Cauchy region Fault, rilles and domes L048
Gruithuisen Delta and Gamma Volcanic domes formed with viscous lavas L049
Cayley Plains Light, smooth plains of uncertain origin L050
Davy crater chain Result of comet-fragment impacts L051
Cruger Possible volcanic caldera L052
Lamont Possible buried basin L053
Hippalus Rilles Rilles concentric to Humorum basin L054
Baco Unusually smooth crater floor and surrounding plains L055
Mare Australe A partially flooded ancient basin L056
Reiner Gamma Conspicuous swirl and magnetic anomaly L057
Rheita Valley Basin secondary-crater chain L058
Schiller-Zucchius basin Badly degraded overlooked basin L059
Kies Pi Volcanic dome L060
Mosting A Simple crater close to centre of lunar near side L061
Rumker Hills Large volcanic dome L062
Imbrium sculpture Basin ejecta near and overlying Boscovich and Julius Caesar L063
Descartes Apollo 16 landing site; putative region of highland volcanism L064
Hortensius domes Dome field north of Hortensius L065
Hadley Rille Lava channel near Apollo 15 landing site L066
Fra Mauro formation Apollo 14 landing site on Imbrium ejecta L067
Flamsteed P Proposed young volcanic crater; Surveyor 1 landing site L068
Copernicus secondary craters Rays and craterlets near Pytheas L069
Humboldtianum basin Multi-ring impact basin L070
Sulpicius Gallus dark mantle Ash eruptions northwest of crater L071
Atlas dark-halo craters Explosive pits on the floor of Atlas L072
Smythi basin Difficult-to-observe basin scarp and mare L073
Copernicus H Dark-halo impact crater L074
Ptolemaeus B Saucerlike depression on the floor of Ptolemaeus L075
W. Bond Large crater degraded by Imbrium ejecta L076
Sirsalis Rille Procellarum basin radial rilles L077
Lambert R A buried ghost crater L078
Sinus Aestuum Eastern dark-mantle volcanic deposit L079
Orientale basin Youngest large impact basin L080
Hesiodus A Concentric crater L081
Linne Small crater once thought to have disappeared L082
Plato craterlets Crater pits at limits of detection L083
Pitatus Crater with concentric rilles L084
Langrenus rays Aged ray system L085
Prinz Rilles Rille system near the Prinz L086
Humboldt Crater with central peaks and dark spots L087
Peary Difficult-to-observe polar crater L088
Valentine Dome Volcanic dome L089
Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins Small craters near the Apollo 11 landing site L090
De Gasparis Rilles Area with many rilles L091
Gylden Valley Part of Imbrium radial sculpture L092
Dionysius rays Unusual and rare dark rays L093
Drygalski Large south-pole region crater L094
Procellarum basin The Moons biggest basin L095
Leibnitz Mountains Rim of South Pole-Aitken basin L096
Inghirami Valley Orientale basin ejecta L097
Imbrium lava flows Mare lava-flow boundaries L098
Ina caldera D-shaped young volcanic caldera L099
Mare Marginis swirls Possible magnetic-field deposits L100